The Press

October 2023 Ambassador

October 2023 Ambassador

Ollie Dewsbury is a bright prospect for Welsh football who currently plays for Bristol Rovers U16s Academy and Wales U16s. He scored his first international goal against South Korea this year and is dedicated to being the best he can be in the sport. 1. How did you first get involved in playing football?I was playing at a local grass routes team from age 4 years old. At 6 years old I went on trial with Bristol Rovers Academy I was signed and have been there ever since, I am now playing U16s.2. What is your greatest sporting achievement to...

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Beet It Sport are the Official Nutrition Partner for The Running Conference 2023

Beet It Sport are the Official Nutrition Partner for The Running Conference 2023

We are thrilled to announce that we have been chosen by the Running Industry Association (RIA) as the Official Nutrition Partner for their upcoming Running Conference 2023. The event will be held at Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough University, UK from the 10th to 12th December 2023.   The conference is the biggest annual in person conference held for all member of the RIA and is specifically curated for the members with conference sessions, panel discussions, activations, “first look” market research, data and insights, round table discussions, plenty of networking opportunities and celebrations of the running industry. Our Beet It...

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August 2023 Ambassador

August 2023 Ambassador

Andy & Adam McKibbin are a Sidecarcross team based in Northern Ireland. In 2019, Andy was Irish Sidecar Champion as a passenger and the guys recently scored points for the first time at the World SidecarCross Grand Prix in July 2023. They use Beet It Sport for the following reasons: Andy: “I take Beet It Sport shots on the days running up to a race day and I feel my endurance levels are higher which improves my overall performance and results.”  Adam: I’ve found Beet It Sport to be very beneficial to my journey through Sidecarcross and have concluded that...

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July 2023 Ambassador

July 2023 Ambassador

Melissah Gibson is a long-distance runner who has competed in events around the world, including Comrades in South Africa in 6:51 (sub 7 target) which took 21 mins off the Aussie women’s record and was the first recorded Brit! Melissah is a member of the Ealing Eagles running club and runs in between 10-15 marathons a year – her PB is an impressive 2:43. She is competing in the following marathons this year: Gold Coast, Tallin, Oslo, Loch Ness, Chester, Yorkshire, Athens, Valencia, and Pisa! “I started taking the Beet It Sport Nitrate 400 shots back in 2013 as I...

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